Combat Ju-Jutsu International Federation










About Combat Ju-Jutsu

CJJIF today - an international sports federation of COMBAT JU-JUTSU SPORT!!!

It is the community of schools, national federations, clubs and masters practicing throughout the World the real combat direction of the ancient Japanese martial art of Ju-Jutsu - Combat Ju-Jutsu!


Combat Ju-Jutsu - is the skills of art of real fight & the beautiful sport!

This is a sport and a self-defense! This combination of skills to survive and win in a real combat with one or more opponents with the full sports competition experience. The combination of skills and techniques of a sports fight and real combat provides the most universal training for a person!

Combat Ju-Jutsu - first and foremost is the art of self-defense and applied technique for military and police use.

Combat Ju-Jutsu - is something that is put between the two strikes!


This is not exotic, it is a real battle!


Combat Ju-Jutsu sports sections is:

* Full-Contact
* Close-Contact
* Ground-Fight
* Self-Defense


  • Certain Principles of real Combat Ju-Jutsu

Direction of Combat Ju-Jutsu is based on the techniques of "old school of Ju-Jutsu", which were formed for the war, and hand-to-hand combat to destroy the enemy. In which important part was not formal practicing of techniques but effectiveness of real combat.

Combat Ju-Jutsu in our understanding is a something that exist between two punches. This could be sword strikes, knife or any other attack, even shots. If technique is suitable for this, then it will be used. If not then it will be thrown away. And it does not matter how effective and beautiful it can be.

Techniques should be based on no more then 2-3 moves. Ideally on one move. So it will not be difficult to choose.

We do not have division between the striking, throwing, chocking and pain techniques. One move in different conditions utilized it's own different sides.

It is not possible effectively unite techniques from Judo, Karate, Kick-Boxing, Aikido and other Martial Arts. Which received it's original discovery during it's own evolution in one whole. Each of this systems is self sufficient and effective enough. And have it's own bio-mechanical moves. That's why trying to improve it's own system by adding the structure of moves from other systems ( lately has been practice by other schools ), turning out to be not efficient. It would be more correct to teach the wrestler more striking techniques. For example the simple boxing techniques that will be working with his wrestling foundation moves and skills. And to teach a boxer simple wrestling techniques, that can naturally blend with the boxing techniques. So it's important not to violate the general stereotypes. That will permit the fighter effectively act in real combat.

Realistic fight will last only a couple of seconds. And the fighter needs to be prepared for the fast and short match.

We have to tack in the consideration that the realistic fight one on one and without weapons is actually is an exception then norm. That's why it is important to train tactics and techniques with multiples opponents. In fact the techniques that are used, determined by tactics of fight.

The big attention in our school is given to "cold weapons". Since it is the most often used in life. And has more psychological effect.

Technique - is a possibility of doing certain acts in a situations of hard psychological and physical pressure. And not a gymnastics in pairs.

It is impossible to execute technique in a fight, even the best one's. Without having certain physical preparation. Internal energy can manifest only thru external.

Ideally with age a person who is practicing martial arts has to became stronger, but not weaker. How it happens in many sports combat. And have to be more healthier then his pierce. That's why the techniques that learns teens students is different from techniques of 25-30 year old men. And in it's own way will be more different from techniques of fifty year old men. There is a transformation of techniques with the age.

The most important aspect of the fight not to win but to remain alive. To survive from attack you can be physically weaker then your opponent but your spirit can not be weaker. There is exist only two conditions: you attack, second - you leave the fight. If you avoided the fight, then you already won. Even if you run from your opponent, you are not just surviving by running, but choosing the moment of attack.

Can not completely teach how to act in extreme situations others, he who does not have similar experience.

  • Today main direction of Ju-Jutsu

At the present time, we clearly distinguish 3 main versions of Ju-Jutsu (as well as all other areas of Martial Arts):

  • Traditionally, a demo-Ju-Jutsu - schools are exploring the traditions and techniques of old and modern Ju-jutsu. The method of training and certification based on examination of a large number of techniques. Combat effectiveness is giving way to a perfect technical executable receptions. Testing is conducted on a demonstration of new techniques difficult from level to level. Simplicity and reliability is giving way to a complex motor stereotypes, which leads to an increase in entertainment and inefficiency! The most common version of the western world.
  • Sport Ju-Jutsu - sports techniques, based on Ju-Jutsu. The purpose of training and certification - a competitive match for the sport rules. Points system is estimated to effect a technical blow-dart. Dynamics - Karate + Judo. The withdrawal from the real fight to the fight on points. Scope - sports federations and clubs section on sport Ju-jutsu. Techniques designed to match the length of 2-3 minutes and the results on points.
  • Combat Ju-Jutsu - the basic principle of combat effectiveness and universality of technology. Technique is based on a minimum number of basic movements. Scope - a real battle! Techniques less than spectacular and simple in execution, but more reliable and efficient in the fight against the destruction of the opponent. Techniques designed for 3-4 seconds of battle, during which the likely opponent most be neutralized. Often used in the preparation of the special forces. Competitions are held on the rules base on "clear victory."

Some schools have lost their combat base and turned into pure sport or trial versions, while others continue to maintain and develop the tradition of combat applications. They now form a segment and Combat Ju-Jutsu.







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Combat Ju-Jutsu International Federation. All rights reserved.