Official web-site

Combat Ju-Jutsu European Federation


Combat Ju-Jutsu base is a high-intensity, high-speed assault fight aimed at completely or partially incapacitating the opponent and controlling him completely! The scope of application is army high-speed close combat with or without the possible use of cold weapons and handy tools. Such a fight does not involve any exchange of blows at medium range or a long tactical confrontation, but is aimed at complete control and destruction / incapacitation of the opponent in a matter of seconds. It is also widely used in the field of self-defense of the civilian population. Combat Ju-Jutsu Sport is 3 sections and types of competitive fights with one opponent, aimed at practicing fighting qualities at various distances and with various levels of restrictions. Section Combat Ju-Jutsu Self-Defense - creating an environment in which the athlete is subjected to a barrage of attacks from 4 assistants with an interval of 2.5-3 seconds using cold weapons and without them, and in such conditions must demonstrate the quality and effectiveness of the use of his signature techniques. The sport Combat Ju-Jutsu is designed to create conditions for training athletes for an effective quick victory in a real fight with one or several opponents. Victory is also considered to be the preservation of life and health of a person. The main goals of Combat Ju-Jutsu are the effectiveness of the application of techniques, and not their number and beauty of execution











  • Combat Ju-Jusu Latvian Federation


Bushev Valentin

Style: combat ju-jutsu

tel: +371-29-564-760






























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Combat Ju-Jutsu International Federation. All rights reserved.