Official web-site

Combat Ju-Jutsu International Federation

Technical support

Combat Ju-Jutsu base is a high-intensity, high-speed assault fight aimed at completely or partially incapacitating the opponent and controlling him completely! The scope of application is army high-speed close combat with or without the possible use of cold weapons and handy tools. Such a fight does not involve any exchange of blows at medium range or a long tactical confrontation, but is aimed at complete control and destruction / incapacitation of the opponent in a matter of seconds. It is also widely used in the field of self-defense of the civilian population.

Combat Ju-Jutsu Sport is 3 sections and types of competitive fights with one opponent, aimed at practicing fighting qualities at various distances and with various levels of restrictions.

Section Combat Ju-Jutsu Self-Defense - creating an environment in which the athlete is subjected to a barrage of attacks from 4 assistants with an interval of 2.5-3 seconds using cold weapons and without them, and in such conditions must demonstrate the quality and effectiveness of the use of his signature techniques.

The sport Combat Ju-Jutsu is designed to create conditions for training athletes for an effective quick victory in a real fight with one or several opponents. Victory is also considered to be the preservation of life and health of a person. The main goals of Combat Ju-Jutsu are the effectiveness of the application of techniques, and not their number and beauty of execution.










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News / Events

26-30 June 2025 Almaty, Kazakhstan

In the venue of the Sport Center ADD will held Combat Ju-Jutsu World Cup (adults 18+, juniors 16-17, cadets 14-15 years)


Provision of the World Cup 2025

01-04 May 2025 Frydek - Mistek , Czech Republiс

Was held IX Combat Ju-Jutsu European Championship (seniors over 36, adults 18+, juniors 16-17, cadets 10-15 years)


Provision of the European Championship

01 February 2025

The Extraordinary Online Congress of the CJJIF was held. The Federation development strategy for the coming years was approved and elections for the President and Management Team of the CJJIF for 6 years until January 2031 were held. The representative of Ukraine Vladyslav Shypinskyi was re-elected as the President of the CJJIF, who presented a new management team with experience in international sports organizations and capable of organizing the fulfillment of the conditions for achieving the goals of the CJJIF.

Let's wish the new team success in achieving the highest goals!

28 November - 02 December 2024 Mikolow, Poland

Was held XIII Combat Ju-Jutsu World Championship (seniors over 36, adults 18+, juniors 16-17, cadets 10-15 years).

23 - 25 August 2024 Accra, Ghana

Was held II Combat Ju-Jutsu Open Africa Championship (seniors over 36, adults 18+, juniors 16-17, cadets 14-15 years).

Provision of the African championship

14-16 June 2024 Bukhara, Uzbekistan

Was held VII Combat Ju-Jutsu Asian Championship (seniors over 36, adults 18+, juniors 16-17, cadets 12-15 years)

17-19 May 2024 Malgrat de Mar, Spain

Was held VIII Combat Ju-Jutsu European Championship (seniors over 36, adults 18+, juniors 16-17, cadets 12-15 years)

April 2024 Kyiv, Ukraine

In the process of approving the Combat Ju-Jutsu sport for the physical training program of the National Guard of Ukraine, a two-week training course for instructors of NGU was held under the leadership of the president of CJJIF Vladyslav Shypinskyi. As a result, the sport of Combat Ju-Jutsu was recommended for use in the training of special forces and intelligence units of the NGU.


10-12 November 2023 Daugavpils, Latvia

In the venue of the Daugavpils Olympic Center was held Combat Ju-Jutsu World Championship (adults 18+, juniors 16-17, cadets 12-15. kids 10-11 years)

01 September 2023 Panama, Panama

Was held Combat Ju-Jutsu Pan American Championship (adults 18+, juniors 16-17, cadets 12-15 years)

Provision of the Panamerican championship


12-16 July 2023 ACCRA, Ghana

Was held I Combat Ju-Jutsu Open African Championship (adults 18+, juniors 16-17, cadets 14-15 years)

15-18 June 2023 Almaty, Kazakhstan

Was held VI Combat Ju-Jutsu Asian Championship (adults 18+, juniors 16-17, cadets 14-15 years)

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11-14 May 2023 Strazske, Slovakia

Was held VII Combat Ju-Jutsu European Championship (adults 18+, juniors 16-17, cadets 12-15 years)


Full-contact video

2-4 December 2022 Malgrat de Mar, Barcelona, Spain

Was held XI Combat Ju-Jutsu World Championship (adults 18+, juniors 16-17, cadets 12-15 years).




09-11 Septebmer 2022 Bukhara, Uzbekistan

Was held Combat Ju-Jutsu Asian Championship (adults 18+, juniors 16-17, cadets 14-15 years)


17-21 August 2022 Panama, Panama

Was held Combat Ju-Jutsu Pan American Championship (adults 18+, juniors 16-17, cadets 12-15 years)

Provision of the Panamerican championship


13-15 May 2022 Malgrat de Mar, Barcelona, Spain






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16-19 December 2021 Almaty, Kazakhstan

Was held Combat Ju-Jutsu World Cup (juniors 16-17, cadets 12-15 years).

Provision of the World Cup


07-10 November 2021 Accra, Ghana

Was held Combat Ju-Jutsu International technical & referee seminars

Organizators: CJJIF & Combat Ju-jutsu federation of Ghana - mr. Mr. Maxwell Borketey Borquaye / +233 57 893 5933 / E-MAIL:

04-06 November 2021 Cairo, Egypt

Was held Combat Ju-Jutsu International technical & referee seminars

Organizators: CJJIF & Combat Ju-jutsu federation of Egypt- mr. Mohamed Fawzy / +20-100-628-37-55 /


19-22 August 2021 Kyiv, Ukraine

Was held Combat Ju-Jutsu World Championship (adults 18+, juniors 16-17, cadets 12-15 years)

19 October 2019 Kyiv, Ukraine

Was held IX Combat Ju-Jutsu World Championship Organizators: CJJIF - Vladyslav Shypinskyi / / +38-067-858-38-45 / +380661402077 /

15-16 June 2019 Panama, Panama

Was held II Combat Ju-Jutsu Pan-America Championship Organizers: CJJIF with the CJJ PanAmerica, with the CJJ Shiaikan Panama/ Eusebio Rivera +507-6665-6548.


12-14 April 2019 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Was held IV Combat Ju-Jutsu ASIA ChampionshipOrganizators: CJJIF - Vladyslav Shypinskyi / CJJAF - Ata Adayev Kyrgyzstan -Sabyrjan Uulu Samarbek /


12-14 October 2018

Ostrava, Czech Rep.

Was held VIII Combat Ju-Jutsu World Championship. Organizers: CJJIF and Czech Federation of Combat Ju-Jutsu. Contacts: Vlad Shypinskyi (CJJIF) +38-066-140-20-66 WhatsApp / Jan Paldus (Czech) +420 728 113 458 /


12-13 May 2018 Panama, Panama

Was held I Combat Ju-Jutsu Pan-America Championship

Organizers: CJJIF with the CJJ PanAmerica.


6-8 April 2018 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Was held III Combat Ju-Jutsu Open ASIA Championship!

1-3 December 2017 Uzhgorod, Ukraine

Was held IV COMBAT JU-JUTSU OPEN EUROPEN CHAMPIONSHIP! Organizers: CJJEF with the Combat Ju-Jutsu federation of Ukraine. To see the

28-30 July 2017 Split, Croatia

Was held VII COMBAT JU-JUTSU WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP IN THE WORLD MARTIAL ARTS GAMES! Organizers: CJJIF with the Ju-Jitsu Croatia Team. To see the Results...

February 3, 2017 Vilnus, Lithuania Iin order to optimize the organizational structure of CJJIF in Lithuania was oficialy registered Combat Ju-Jutsu European Federation!

28-30 October 2016 Baku, Azerbaijan

was held Combat Ju-Jutsu World Cup 2016. Organizers: CJJIF and Azerbaijan National Federation of Ju-Jitsu Contact: Rasul Mammadov +994-553-28-95-98 / / Results...

22-24 July 2016 Split, Croatia

Was hold VI COMBAT JU-JUTSU WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP IN THE WORLD MARTIAL ARTS GAMES! Organizers: CJJIF with the Ju-Jitsu Croatia Team. Team result: 1. Ukraine 2. Turkmenistan 3. Azerbaijan 4. Spain 5. Croatia

To see photos... // Results...

22 July 2016 Split, Croatia

Annual CJJIF Congress decide the create the Asian Combat Ju-Jutsu Federation! Make the registration in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.

Election of the president became Ata Adayev head of Turkmenistan Combat Ju-Jutsu Federation.

19-21 February 2016 Tomsk, Russia

Will held COMBAT JU-JUTSU EURASIA CUP in the Selebrating of 45 years of Nikolay Vasiliev Real combat School! Organizers: CJJIF with the Real Combat School of Nikolay Vasiliev. To see the photos...

19-22 November 2015 Kishineu, Moldova


Was held COMBAT JU-JUTSU CHAMPIONSHIP OF EUROPE joint with World MMA Championship / Organizers: CJJIF with the Ju-Jitsu Federation of Republic of Moldova and World MMA Federation / Contacts: Victor Popescu (Moldova)
+373 784 70 202 / & Vladyslav Shypinskyi (CJJIF) +38-067-858-38-45 / To see photos... // Results...

02-03 May 2015 Vrsac, Serbia

Was held COMBAT JU-JUTSU WORLD CUP Organizers: CJJIF with the Urban Ju-Jutsu Contact: Ratkovic Srdjan / To see the Results.. / To see the photos...
December 2014 Almaty, Kazakhstan
was held COMBAT JU-JUTSU International Tournament. Organizers: CJJIF with

10-14 April 2014 Vagos, Portugal

In the Martial Arts Games was hold COMBAT JU-JUTSU WORLD Championship Organizers: CJJIF / Results../ photos

20 December 2013 Almaty, Kazakhstan


10-14 October 2013 Yalta, Ukraine

In the World Cup of mix martial arts was hold COMBAT JU-JUTSU WORLD CUP Organizers: CJJIF with the Combat Ju-Jutsu Federation of Ukraine . Contact: Vlad Shypinskyi +38-067-858-38-45 / Results../ To see the photos
05-09 October 2013 Krymea, Ukraine

In the very popular touristic part of Ukraine - Krymea. which has sea and mountains hold International combat ju-jutsu summer training camp! Trainings 3 times per day with Nikolay Vasiliev 9th dan of CJJ. In programm self-defense, knife, tetsen, nioken tekhnics, mountains survival and sea cost time. Information ask Vladyslav Shypinskyi +38-067-858-38-45

26-28 April 2013 Suzdal, Russia

In old beautiful historical town Syzdal (part of famous "Golden Ring of Russia") about 200 km from Moskow was hold IV COMBAT JU-JUTSU WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Organizers: CJJIF with the Combat Ju-Jutsu Federation of Russia. Team results: 1. Russia 2. Kazakhstan 3.Ukraine Photos... Results../

23-24 March 2013 Kyiv, Ukraine

was held IV Combat Ju-Jutsu Championship of Ukaine. Organizers: Combat Ju-Jutsu Federation of Ukraine Contact: Vlad Shypinskyi +38-067-858-38-45

23-24 March 2013 Almaty, Kazakhstan

was held III Combat Ju-Jutsu Championship of Kazakhstan. Organizers: Combat Ju-Jutsu Federation of Ukraine Contact: National Federation of Professional Combat Sports Jiu-Jitsu "Profi Fight" Contact: Kanat Tleumbetov +7-701-340-00-39

23 March 2013 Suzdal, Russia

was held Combat Ju-Jutsu Cup of Russia. Organizers: Combat Ju-Jutsu Federation of Russia Contact: Makukhin Vyacheslav / +7915-049-40-99

23-24 February 2013 Baku, Azerbaijan

was held Combat Ju-Jutsu Championship of Caucasus. Organizers: Combat Ju-Jutsu Federation of Caucasus Contact: Rasul Mammadov +994-553-28-95-98 /
02 december 2012 Moscow, Russia was pass a master-class seminar under President of CJJIF Vasiliev N.A. for CJJIF black belt masters "Methodics of CJJ training"

October 13-14, 2012 / Antwerpеn, Belgium

In Belgium was hold the II Combat Ju-Jutsu Open Europe Championship!

All results...


28 july - 04 august Ochakov, Ukraine (Black see coast)

was held International combat ju-jutsu summer training camp! Trainings 3 time per day - self-defense, knife, survival - Information ask Vladyslav Shypinskyi +38-067-858-38-45
05-07 may 2012 Riga, Latvia was hold International combat ju-jutsu master-class seminar with representatives from Poland, Latvia, Scotland, Norway.
24 March 2012 Kyiv, Ukraine was held master-class seminars under President of CJJIF Vasiliev N.A.

23 March 2012 Kyiv, Ukraine

was held III COMBAT JU-JUTSU WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Organizers: CJJIF with the Combat Ju-Jutsu Federation of Ukraine . Contact: Vlad Shypinskyi +38-067-858-38-45

Results... Photos....
19 March 2012 Kyiv, Ukraine State Service of Youth and Sports of Ukraine has registered Combat Ju-Jutsu in offical register of kind of sports in Ukraine.
23-27 January 2012 Riga, Latvia was hold combat ju-jutsu and bodyguarding seminars under 5th dan master N. Shekel from UK.

13-16 October 2011 Taldykorgan, Kazakhstan

was hold I COMBAT JU-JUTSU CHAMPIONSHIP OF ASIA . Organizers: CJJIF with the

21 May 2011 Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

was held II COMBAT JU-JUTSU WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Organizers: CJJIF with the Combat Ju-Jutsu Federation of Ukraine . Contact: Vlad Shypinskyi +38-067-858-38-45 / Protocols.

12 March 2011 Kyiv, Ukraine hold Combat Ju-Jutsu Championship of Ukaine. Organizers: CJJIF with the Combat Ju-Jutsu Federation of Ukraine
25 February 2011 Tomsk, Russia held Combat Ju-Jutsu Eurasia Cup. Organizers: CJJIF with the Nikolay Vasiliev Real Combat School
23-26 February 2011 Tomsk, Russia will held Celebrating the 40 th anniversary of the Nikolay Vasiliev Real Combat School. In programm Combat Ju-jutsu Seminars from CJJIF masters and schools.
18-20 December 2010 Almaty, Kazakhstan was held seminars under President of CJJIF Vasiliev N.A.
19-20 November 2010 Antwerpen, Belgium was held congress IMAF with seminar under President of CJJIF Vasiliev N.A.

13 November 2010 Zywiec, Poland

27-31 July 2010 Krymea, Ukraine was held Combat Ju-jutsu Summer Training camp, in programm the combat ju-jutsu and self-defense trainings and seminars, servivals courses in forest and mountains, military games.
23-31 July 2010 Gold Kitat, Russia was held Combat Ju-jutsu & Real Ai-Ki-Do Summer Training camp, in programm the combat ju-jutsu and self-defense trainings and seminars for instructors, servivals courses in forest.
10-15 July 2010 Almaty, Kazakhstan was held Combat Ju-jutsu Summer Training camp
01 July 2010 CJJIF joined Jiu-Jitsu ADO Ryu master Jose Manuel Acevedo from Spain, president of Academia de Jiu-Jitsu Hermanos Acevedo
05-31 May 2010 hold Combat Ju-jutsu certification sessions in CJJIF schools.

17 April 2010 Kyiv, Ukraine

Was held I COMBAT JU-JUTSU WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Organizers: CJJIF with the Combat Ju-Jutsu Federation of Ukraine . To see the Results of event ... photos .... video Contact: Vlad Shypinskyi +38-067-858-38-45

25 February 2010 CJJIF joined American Combat Ju-Jitsu master Tony Maynard 9-dan from the United States and the organization he leads American Combat Ju-Jitsu  
24 February 2010 CJJIF joined Eskrima-Arnis & Yawara Ryu Ju-Jitsu master Roger Solar 6-dan from the Phillipines and the organization he leads IPEAC  
23 February 2010 CJJIF joined Small Circle Ju-Jitsu & Ju-Trap-Boxing master James Hundon 7-dan from the United States and the organization he leads Universal Martial Arts Academy  
08 December 2009 Lviv, Ukraine had hold a International Combat Ju-Jutsu Seminars Masters: 1.Nikolay Vasiliev 9th dan Russia 2.Robert Gale 5th dan USA  

02-06 December 2009 Kyiv, Ukraine

had hold a International Combat Ju-Jutsu Seminars & Tournament "Branches of Sakura". Masters: 1. Nikolay Vasiliev 9th dan Combat Ju-Jutsu Russia 2. Geoff Benoy 8th dan Karate-Jutsu Belgium 3. Christian Braun 7th dan Open Mind Combat Germany 4. Robert Gale 5th dan Small Cirle Ju-Jitsu USA To see Possition about event . In programm was a Referee seminar. The Results of Tournament to see here. Det.: Vlad Shypinskyi +38-067-858-38-45  
November 2009 CJJIF joined Small Circle Ju-Jitsu master Robert Gale 5-dan from the United States and the organization he leads Peninsula Small Circle Ju-Jitsu Academy  
November 2009 application for individual membership and the status of candidate CJJIF filed a master Ju-Jutsu, Brigadier General John Stempfli from the U.S.A.  

October 17-18, 2009 / Antwerpеn, Belgium

IMAF World Championship ! IMAF - International Martial Arts Federation - the main partner CJJIF in Europe. The program: 1. Imaf Open Combat 2. Mixed Ju-Jutsu 3. Razmavaran Fighting Competition 4. Semi Contact Fighting (Point-Fighting) 5. Sport Kenjutsu 6. Sanbon Kumite 7. Ippon Kumite Kumite 8. Kata (Forms). Teams of Combat Ju-Jutsu is involved in category 1. Imaf Open Combat, which is held on the Rules of Combat Ju-Jutsu and is organized jointly with CJJIF. Detailed information on the Championship site  
September 2009 application for membership and the status of candidate of CJJIF filed a National Federation of Professional Combat Sports Jiu-Jitsu "Profi Fight" from Kazakhstan  
August 2009 CJJIF joined Yawara Ju-Jutsu master Rod Bradley 4 dan of the Republic of South Africa and his organization of the Academy of Art of Survival  

03 July 2009 / Washington State, USA


Combat Ju-Jutsu International Federation Officially registered by the Washington State, USA.

June 2009 CJJIF joined Goshin Ju-Jutsu master Hugh Doherty 6 dan from Australia and its organization of the Academy of International Martial Arts and Health  

1-2/06/2009 Kiev, Ukraine

was held a seminar under President of CJJIF Vasiliev N.A. for clubs Combat Ju-Jutsu of Ukraine and Belarus  

29/05/2009 Antwerpen, Belgium

was held a seminar under President of CJJIF Vasiliev N.A. Vasiliev N.A. was awarded on 9-th Dan of Combat Ju-jutsu from International Federation of Martial Arts (IMAF).  
29-30/05/2009 Hamburg, Germany Tournaments Karate and Combat Ju-Jutsu under the auspices of the CJJIF partners from International Federation of Martial Arts (IMAF). From CJJIF involved a team of Tomsk.  
15-19/05/2009 Tomsk, Russia will held a seminar on combat jujitsu and aiki-jujutsu. Masters -
Masashi Wakayama - Japan, Hokkaido; Pankratov, Oleg - Russia, Novosibirsk Russia; Nikolay Vasiliev - Russia, Tomsk; Sokolov Alexey - Russia, Seversk

16/05/2009 Kiev, Ukraine

was heid a Festival of Martial Arts  
May 2009 Certification session of Combat Ju-Jutsu all centers Combat Ju-Jutsu under CJJIF.  
May 2009

CJJIF joined master Kokuto Ju-Jutsu 4 dan Rasul Mamedov of Azerbaijan and his organization Center for personal safety "Galhan"

28/02/2009 Moskow, Russia It has pass a master-class seminar by President CJJIF Nikolay Vasiliev. The theme of the seminar: Work against weapon (knife).  
28/02/2009 has held the online Congress of Combat Ju-Jutsu clubs & masters! At the Congress structure was approved, the rules of the competition, the principles of the CJJIF, have been approved by the heads of the Committees and members of CJJIF Executive Committee, launched legal registration CJJIF  
03/02/2009 - As a result of negotiation between organizations representing the direction of Combat Ju-Jutsu decided to create the Combat Ju-Jutsu International Federation!  
15/01/2009 - Due to disagreement with the policies pursued by the leadership of ALL Japan Ju-Jitsu International Federation, members of the federations that make up Division Combat Ju-Jutsu, announced its withdrawal from AJJIF!  



Copyright © 2009-2025

Combat Ju-Jutsu International Federation. All rights reserved.